CAISAR 3.0 released

On the occasion of the 40th birthday of the release of Daniel Johnson’s Respect album, the 98th birthday of the first Silent Sentinels protests and the 87th birthday of Donald Knuth we are honoured to release CAISAR version 3.0.

The release source is available at our public forge. As our last releases, CAISAR will soon be available on opam and on Dockerhub.

This release focused on software quality. CAISAR is officialy available under the Nix declarative package manager. See the documentation for detailed instruction on how to setup CAISAR with Nix.

Nix helped us to provide a unified environment to ship some of the most prominent provers used by CAISAR. A dedicated post will describe this in more details.

As always, do not hesitate to reach us out if you are interested into using CAISAR. We will be happy to help!