.. _acas_xu: Functional properties of ACAS-Xu ******************************** ACAS-Xu stands for Aircraft Collision Avoidance System. Introduced for instance in [Manfredi2016]_, it is a specification of a program which aim to output signals for an aircraft in a situation where there is a potential for collision. In the rest of this tutorial, we will use the flavour ACAS-Xu defined in [Katz2017]_, where the authors aim to verify a neural network implementing part of the ACAS-Xu specification. Its low dimensionality and well-defined semantics make it a *de facto* benchmark for machine learning verification. Use case presentation ===================== The system considers a 2D plane with two entities: the monitored airplane (the "ownship") and an incoming airplane (the "intruder"). .. image:: static/media/acas_xu.png :scale: 50 % :alt: A schematic with two aircraft, seen from above, displaying the relative angles of their trajectories :align: center In the original implementation, the system state has seven inputs: * :math:`v_{own}`: speed of ownship * :math:`v_{int}`: speed of intruder * :math:`\rho`: distance from ownship to intruder * :math:`\theta`: angle to intruder relative to ownship heading direction * :math:`\psi`: heading angle of intruder relative to ownship heading direction * :math:`\tau`: time until vertical separation * :math:`a_{prev}`: previous advisory It has five outputs, that correspond to the different direction advisories the system can give: * :math:`COC`: Clear Of Conflict * :math:`WL`: Weak Left * :math:`SL`: Strong Left * :math:`WR`: Weak Right * :math:`SR`: Strong Right In the original paper, the authors consider :math:`45` neural networks, for several values of :math:`\tau` and :math:`a_{prev}`, that operate on five inputs only while maintaining the same number of outputs. We will consider five-inputs networks in the remaining of this example. Properties ========== There are several functional properties one may want to verify on this system, for instance: * Guarantee that the system will never output COC advisory when the intruder is nearby, * Guarantee that the system will never output an advisory that may result in a collision, * Guarantee that the system will not output a strong advisory where a weak variant would be enough. Authors of [Katz2017]_ propose ten properties to verify. We will reproduce the first and third properties here, and then show how to use CAISAR for verifying whether a given neural network respects them. **Property** :math:`\phi_1` * **Definition.** If the intruder is distant and is significantly slower than the ownship, the score of a COC advisory will always be below a certain fixed threshold. * **Input constraints:** * :math:`\rho \geq 55947.691`, * :math:`v_{own} \geq 1145`, * :math:`v_{int} \leq 60`. * **Desired output property:** * :math:`COC \leq 1500`. **Property** :math:`\phi_3` * **Definition.** If the intruder is directly ahead and is moving towards the ownship, the score for COC will not be minimal. * **Input constraints:** * :math:`1500 \leq \rho \leq 1800`, * :math:`-0.06 \leq \theta \leq 0.06`, * :math:`\psi \geq 3.10`, * :math:`v_{own} \geq 980`, * :math:`v_{int} \geq 960`. * **Desired output property:** * :math:`COC` is not the minimal score. Modelling the problem using WhyML ================================= The first step for verifying anything with CAISAR is to write a specification file that describe the problem to verify as a so-called *theory*. A theory can be seen as a namespace inside which are defined logical terms, formulas and verification goals. In particular, being based on the `Why3 `_ platform for deductive program verification, CAISAR supports the Why3 specification language `WhyML `_, and inherits the Why3 standard library of logical theories (integer, float and real arithmetic, *etc.*) and basic programming data structures (arrays, queues, hash tables, *etc.*). Additionnaly, CAISAR extends WhyML by providing several builtins predicates and function symbols. The full extend of those additions will be documented in a future release. This example will use some of those undocumented extensions to display the capabilities of CAISAR; the wording "WhyML extensions" will be used when this happens. We believe those extensions are simple enough so that their meaning in the verification is transparent. Let us try to model the property :math:`\phi_1` defined earlier. We will call our theory ``ACASXU_P1``. We will need to write down some numerical values. As of now, CAISAR allows writing values using floating-point arithmetic only. Why3 defines a float type and the relevant arithmetic operations according to the IEEE 754 floating-point standard in a theory, astutely called ``ieee_float``. Specifically, we will import the ``Float64`` sub-theory, that defines everything we need for 64-bit precision floating-point numbers. We thus import it in our theory using the ``use`` keyword. This currently requires to write exact IEEE 754 floating point values in the specification file, which is understandably a setback in terms of usability, but have the advantage of making the specification unambiguous. Our file looks like this so far: .. code-block:: whyml theory ACASXU_P1 use ieee_float.Float64 end We would like to verify our property given a certain neural network. To do this, CAISAR provide WhyML extensions to recognize and apply neural networks in ONNX and NNet formats on vector inputs. Given a file of such formats, CAISAR is able to provide the following: * a logical symbol of type ``model nn``, built using the ``read_model`` function, of type ``string -> model nn``. The first argument is the path to the neural network file, and ``model nn`` is the type of the neural network in WhyML; * a function symbol that returns the output of the application of the neural network to a given input; * types and predicates to manipulate inputs vectors; The full reference for those WhyML extensions is available under the `stdlib/caisar/types.mlw `_ and `stdlib/caisar/model.mlw `_ files. To create a logical symbol for a neural network located in ``nets/onnx/ACASXU_1_1.onnx``, we can import the relevant theories in our file and use the ``read_model`` function symbol like this: .. code-block:: whyml theory ACASXU_P1 use ieee_float.Float64 use caisar.types.Vector use caisar.model.Model use caisar.model.NN constant nn_1_1: model nn = read_model "nets/onnx/ACASXU_1_1.onnx" end Now is the time to define our verification goal, that will call ``P1_1_1`` for property :math:`\phi_1` on neural network :math:`N_{1,1}`. We first need to model the inputs of the neural network :math:`\rho, \theta, \psi, v_{own}, v_{int}` to the range of floating-point values each may take. We can do that by writing a predicate that encode those specification constraints. Since neural networks take vectors as inputs, we use the CAISAR library ``caisar.types.Vector``. We can write this as a predicate for clarity: .. code-block:: whyml theory ACASXU_P1 use ieee_float.Float64 use caisar.types.Vector use caisar.model.Model use caisar.model.NN constant nn_1_1: model nn = read_model "nets/onnx/ACASXU_1_1.onnx" predicate valid_input (i: vector t) = (0.5999999999999999777955395074968691915273666381835937500000000000:t) .<= i[0] .<= (0.6798577687000000313588543576770462095737457275390625000000000000:t) /\ (-0.5:t) .<= i[1] .<= (0.5:t) /\ (-0.5:t) .<= i[2] .<= (0.5:t) /\ (0.4500000000000000111022302462515654042363166809082031250000000000:t) .<= i[3] .<= (0.5:t) /\ (-0.5:t) .<= i[4] .<= (-0.4500000000000000111022302462515654042363166809082031250000000000:t) end .. warning :: You will notice that the input values in the example are different than what the original property states. Recall that :math:`1500 \leq \rho \leq 1800`, and :math:`-0.06 \leq \theta \leq 0.06`. Training networks on such wide variation range leads to instability, hence the need to normalize the inputs. For this specific benchmark, we refer to the IEEE 754 floating-point representation of the normalized values the original authors provide in their `repository `_. A future release of CAISAR will provide a way for specifying and perform such a normalization process in order to bridge the gap between the original properties and the actual specifications. We must then define the result of the application of ``nn_1_1`` on the inputs. The built-in function ``@@`` serves this purpose. Its type, ``model nn -> vector 'a -> vector 'a``, describes what it does: given a neural network ``model nn`` and an input vector ``x``, return the vector that is the result of the application of ``model nn`` on ``x``. Note that thanks to type polymorphism, ``@@`` can be used to describe a variety of input vectors, including floating points, integers, or strings. We can finally define the output constraint we want to enforce on the first coordinate of the output vector that we use to model the advisory *COC*. We use the WhyML extension predicate ``has_length`` to further check that our inputs are of valid length. The final WhyML file ``property_1.why`` looks like this: .. code-block:: whyml theory ACASXU_P1 use ieee_float.Float64 use caisar.types.Vector use caisar.model.Model use caisar.model.NN constant nn_1_1: model nn = read_model "nets/onnx/ACASXU_1_1.onnx" predicate valid_input (i: vector t) = let rho = i[0] in let theta = i[1] in let psi = i[2] in let vown = i[3] in let vint = i[4] in (0.5999999999999999777955395074968691915273666381835937500000000000:t) .<= rho .<= (0.6798577687000000313588543576770462095737457275390625000000000000:t) /\ (-0.5:t) .<= theta .<= (0.5:t) /\ (-0.5:t) .<= psi .<= (0.5:t) /\ (0.4500000000000000111022302462515654042363166809082031250000000000:t) .<= vown .<= (0.5:t) /\ (-0.5:t) .<= vint .<= (-0.4500000000000000111022302462515654042363166809082031250000000000:t) goal P1_1_1: forall i: vector t. has_length i 5 -> valid_input i -> let coc = (nn_1_1 @@ i)[0] in coc .<= (3.9911256458999999630066213285317644476890563964843750000000000000:t) end A more general formulation of all ACAS-Xu properties is available in `acasxu.why `_. The corresponding neural networks in ONNX format are available under the folder `/examples/acasxu/nets/onnx/ `_. Verifying the property with CAISAR ================================== Once formalized, the specified property can be assessed by using CAISAR. We will use the *open-source* provers CAISAR supports for verifying properties of neural networks so to take advantage of the federating approach: whenever one prover cannot provide an answer, another may instead. In particular, we will use `Marabou `_ and `nnenum `_. Assuming the prover locations are available in ``PATH``, the following are the CAISAR verification invocations using Marabou first and nnenum afterwords, for verifying the ACAS-Xu property :math:`\phi_1`: .. code-block:: console $ caisar verify --prover Marabou property_1.why -t 10m [caisar] Goal P1_1_1: Timeout .. code-block:: console $ caisar verify --prover nnenum property_1.why -t 10m [caisar] Goal P1_1_1: Valid Note that the previous commands set the verification time limit to 10 minutes (*cf.* ``-t`` option). If you obtain a ``HighFailure`` error, you can troubleshoot it by increasing the verbosity of CAISAR's output (*cf.* ``-v`` option). Under the hood, CAISAR first translates each goal into a compatible form for the targeted provers, then calls the provers on them, and finally interprets and post-processes the prover results for displaying them in a coherent form to the user. Marabou is not able to prove the property valid in the specified time limit, while nnenum does. In general, the result of a CAISAR verification is typically either ``Valid``, ``Invalid``, ``Unknown`` or ``Timeout``. CAISAR may output ``Failure`` whenever the verification process fails for whatever reason (typically, a prover internal failure). Using more advanced WhyML constructs ==================================== Let us model the ACAS-Xu property :math:`\phi_3`, and verify it for the neural networks :math:`N_{1,1}` and :math:`N_{2,7}` [Katz2017]_. From the modelling standpoint, the main evident difference concerns the desired output property, meaining that *COC* should not be the minimal value. A straightforward way to express this property is that the neural network output is greater than or equal to at least one of the other four outputs. We can write a ``is_min`` predicate that, for a vector ``o`` and int ``i``, states whether the :math:`i`-th coordinate of ``o`` is the minimal value: .. code-block:: whyml predicate is_min (o: vector t) (i: int) = forall j: int. 0 <= j < 5 -> i <> j -> o[i] .<= o[j] We want to check the same property for two different neural networks. Of course, we could define a theory with two identical but distinct verification goals or two entirely distinct theories in a same WhyML file. However, these two solutions are not advisable in terms of clarity and maintainability. Reassuringly enough, CAISAR provides all necessary features to come up with a better solution. Indeed, we can use the ``read_model`` extension to define as many symbols as needed to represent distinct neural networks. In the end, the WhyML file ``property_3.why`` looks like this: .. code-block:: whyml theory ACASXU_P3 use int.Int use ieee_float.Float64 use caisar.types.Vector use caisar.model.Model use caisar.model.NN constant nn_1_1: model nn = read_model "nets/onnx/ACASXU_1_1.onnx" constant nn_2_7: model nn = read_model "nets/onnx/ACASXU_2_7.onnx" predicate valid_input (i: vector t) = let rho = i[0] in let theta = i[1] in let psi = i[2] in let vown = i[3] in let vint = i[4] in (-0.3035311560999999769272506000561406835913658142089843750000000000:t) .<= rho .<= (-0.2985528118999999924731980627257144078612327575683593750000000000:t) /\ (-0.0095492965999999998572000947660853853449225425720214843750000000:t) .<= theta .<= (0.0095492965999999998572000947660853853449225425720214843750000000:t) /\ (0.4933803236000000036476365039561642333865165710449218750000000000:t) .<= psi .<= (0.5:t) /\ (0.2999999999999999888977697537484345957636833190917968750000000000:t) .<= vown .<= (0.5:t) /\ (0.2999999999999999888977697537484345957636833190917968750000000000:t) .<= vint .<= (0.5:t) predicate is_min (o: vector t) (i: int) = forall j: int. 0 <= j < 5 -> i <> j -> o[i] .<= o[j] goal P3_1_1: forall i: vector t. has_length i 5 -> valid_input i -> let is_coc_min = is_min (nn_1_1 @@ i) 0 in not is_coc_min goal P3_2_7: forall i: vector t. has_length i 5 -> valid_input i -> let is_coc_min = is_min (nn_2_7 @@ i) 0 in not is_coc_min end Note how the two verification goals ``P3_1_1`` and ``P3_2_7`` are clearly almost identical, but for the ``nn_x_y`` logic symbol used, identifying respectively the ``ACASXU_1_1.onnx`` and ``ACASXU_2_7.onnx`` neural networks. We can then verify the resulting verification problem as before: .. code-block:: console $ caisar verify --prover Marabou property_3.why -t 10m [caisar] Goal P3_1_1: Timeout [caisar] Goal P3_2_7: Valid .. code-block:: console $ caisar verify --prover nnenum property_3.why -t 10m [caisar] Goal P3_1_1: Valid [caisar] Goal P3_2_7: Valid It is interesting to remark that, since Marabou does not support disjunctive formulas, CAISAR first splits a disjunctive goal formula into conjunctive sub-goals, then calls Marabou on each sub-goal, and finally post-processes the sub-results to provide the final result corresponding to the original goal formula. .. [Manfredi2016] G. Manfredi and Y. Jestin, *An introduction to ACAS Xu and the challenges ahead*, 2016 IEEE/AIAA 35th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), 2016, pp. 1-9, doi: 10.1109/DASC.2016.7778055 .. [Katz2017] Katz, G., Barrett, C., Dill, D.L., Julian, K., Kochenderfer, M.J. (2017). *Reluplex: An Efficient SMT Solver for Verifying Deep Neural Networks.* CAV 2017, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-63387-9_5