.. _interpretation:

The CAISAR modelling language

Origin: WhyML

CAISAR heavily relies on Why3 and uses the WhyML language as a basis for its own
interpretation language. A reference of WhyML is available on the original `Why3
manual <https://www.why3.org/doc/syntaxref.html>`_.

However, since Why3 aims to verify a whole range of programs, it cannot
specialize on a particular program structure. For further background, the paper
[F2013]_ from one of Why3's original author details the rationale and tradeoff
involved in the WhyML design and implementation. To quote the author, "[the Why3
team] has come up with logic of compromise".

As CAISAR focuses on artificial intelligence systems, it can make some
additional assumptions on the nature of the inputs, program and users:

* users will have a basic background on linear algebra, and expect CAISAR to
  reflect this

* inputs will mostly be multidimensional vectors (machine learning community
  coined the term "tensor" as well) of floating point values, strings, ints or

* the program control flow will mostly be composed of a lot of real or
  floating-point arithmetic operations: there is no loop with runtime invariant,
  nor conditional

With those constraints in mind, CAISAR provides several extensions to WhyML,
that we detail here. They can be used directly in any WhyML file provided to

Some of those extensions will be "interpreted". During the translation from
"pure" WhyML terms to actual inputs to provers, symbols will be replaced with
other symbols, or directly computed by CAISAR.


.. index:: Interpretation; interpretation

The built-ins are available under ``stdlib/caisar/``. To access the symbols they
define, the corresponding theory needs to be imported in the scope of the
current one. For instance, to import the symbols defined by the theory
``Vector``, prepend ``use caisar.types.Vector`` at the top of the file.


.. code-block:: whyml

  type vector 'a
  type index = int

.. code-block:: whyml

  (** Returns the i-th element of v. **)
  function ([]) (v: vector 'a) (i: index) : 'a

  function length (v: vector 'a) : int

  (** Returns a vector with the i-th element equals to v1[i] - v2[i]. **)
  function (-) (v1: vector 'a) (v2: vector 'a) : vector 'a

  function mapi (v: vector 'a) (f: index -> 'a -> 'b) : vector 'b
  function map (v: vector 'a) (f: 'a -> 'b) : vector 'b
  function map2 (v1: vector 'a) (v2: vector 'b) (f: 'a -> 'b -> 'c) :
    vector 'c
  function foreach (v: vector 'a) (f: 'a -> 'b) : vector 'b =
    map v f
  function foreach2
    (v1: vector 'a) (v2: vector 'b) (f: 'a -> 'b -> 'c) : vector 'c =
      map2 v1 v2 f

.. code-block:: whyml

  predicate forall_ (v: vector 'a) (f: 'a -> bool) =
    forall i: index. valid_index v i -> f v[i]
  predicate forall2
  (v1: vector 'a) (v2: vector 'b) (f: 'a -> 'b -> bool) =
    length(v1) = length(v2) ->
      forall i: index. valid_index v1 i -> f v1[i] v2[i]



.. code-block:: whyml

  (** Type of a machine learning model. CAISAR is able to interpret a symbol of
  type model to get its control flow graph. **)
  type model


.. code-block:: whyml

  (** Returns a symbol for the machine learning model with filename m. **)
  function read_model (m: string) : model

  (** Returns a vector that represents the application of a model
  on an input vector. **)
  function (@@) (m: model) (v: vector 'a) : vector 'a



.. code-block:: whyml

  (** Dataset type. dataset 'a 'b is a dataset with
    inputs of type 'a vector and output of type 'b vector. **)
  type a
  type b
  type dataset = vector (a, b)


.. code-block:: whyml

  (** Returns a symbol for the dataset with filename f. **)
  function read_dataset (f: string) : dataset
  function foreach (d: dataset) (f: a -> b -> 'c) : vector 'c =
      Vector.foreach d (fun e -> let a, b = e in f a b)


.. code-block:: whyml

  predicate forall_ (d: dataset) (f: a -> b -> bool) =
      Vector.forall_ d (fun e -> let a, b = e in f a b)

.. [F2013] Jean-Christophe FiliĆ¢tre, *One Logic to Use Them All*,
   CADE 24 - the 24th International Conference on
   Automated Deduction