4.2. (Local) Robustness of MNIST dataset¶
CAISAR provides a convenient way for verifying (local) robustness properties of
neural networks working on datasets with values in \([0, 1]\), for
classification problems only. For the moment, CAISAR supports datasets in a
specific CSV
format only, where each CSV
lines is interpreted as
providing the classification label in the first column, and the dataset element
features in the remaining columns.
We recall that a neural network is deemed robust on a dataset element whenever
it classify with a same label all other elements being at an
\(l_\infty\)-distance of at most \(\epsilon \geq 0\) from it. More in
general, a neural network is deemed (locally) robust on a dataset whenever the
former property is valid on all the dataset elements. The CAISAR standard
library specifies such a property in terms of the predicate robust
In the following, we will describe how to use CAISAR for verifying a neural network robust on (a fragment of) the MNIST dataset.
4.2.1. Use case presentation¶
MNIST is a dataset of handwritten digits normalized and centered to fit into grayscale images of \(28 \times 28\) pixels, along with the classification labels [LiDeng2012]. Although it is mostly irrelevant as dataset for benchmarking machine learning models for computer vision tasks, MNIST is still valuable for assessing robustness properties by means of formal method tools.
CAISAR provides in mnist_test.csv
a fragment (\(100\) images) of the MNIST dataset under the
folder. Each line in this file represents an MNIST image:
in particular, the first column represents the classification label, and the
remaining \(784\) columns represent the greyscale value of the respective
pixels, rescaled into \([0, 1]\).
4.2.2. Properties¶
Generally speaking, the property we are interested in verifying is the local robustness of a machine learning model on the elements of a set. More formally, let \(\mathcal{X}\) be an input set, (in our case a subset of \(\mathbb{R}^{28\times 28}\)), \(\mathcal{Y} \subset \mathbb{R}\) be an output set, and \(C : \mathcal{X} \mapsto \mathcal{Y}\) a classifier. For a given \(\epsilon \in \mathbb{R}\), a classifier is \(\epsilon\)-locally-robust if it classifies all elements of \(\mathcal{X}\) being at an \(l_\infty\)-distance of at most \(\epsilon \geq 0\) with the same label. A general formulation of this property is the following: \(\forall x,x' \in X. \ \lVert x - x' \rVert_\infty \leq \epsilon \Rightarrow C(x) = C(x')\).
Since we actually deal with a dataset of finite elements, we will instead verify a slightly different property: given a classifier \(C\), an element \(x \in X\), and some perturbation \(\epsilon \geq 0\), it must hold that \(\forall x'. \ \lVert x - x' \rVert_\infty \leq \epsilon \Rightarrow C(x) = C(x') = y\), where y is the expected dataset classification for x. Obviously, such a property must be verified for all elements of a dataset.
4.2.3. Modelling the problem using WhyML¶
As described for the example on Functional properties of ACAS-Xu, we first need to write a
specification file containing a WhyML theory to describe the verification
problem. In principle, we need to formalize the local robustness property as
well as the notions of classifier and dataset. The CAISAR standard library provides
theories that defines those concepts. We will import the relevant theories with
the use
keyword. As described in The CAISAR modelling language, the Vector
theory provides a vector type, a getter ([]
) operation and a valid_index
predicate that determines whether the get operation is within the range of the
vector length. NN
defines a type and an application function (@@
). We
will also need integers and floating point numbers to declare and define
use ieee_float.Float64
use int.Int
use caisar.types.Vector
use caisar.model.Model
use caisar.model.NN
use caisar.dataset.Dataset
type image = vector t
type label_ = int
We will first write some predicates to take into account the fact that MNIST
counts 10 labels (integer from 0 to 9) in the dataset sample, and that the input
images are normalized (floating point values between 0. and 1.). We will also
define a predicate that, given a label l
and an image i
, checks whether
the neural network nn
indeed advises the correct label.
predicate valid_image (i: image) =
forall v: index. valid_index i v -> (0.0: t) .<= i[v] .<= (1.0: t)
predicate valid_label (l: label_) = 0 <= l <= 9
predicate advises (n: model nn) (i: image) (l: label_) =
valid_label l ->
forall j: int. valid_label j -> j <> l -> (n@@i)[l] .> (n@@i)[j]
We write \(\lVert x - x' \rVert_\infty \leq \epsilon\) with another predicate:
predicate bounded_by_epsilon (i: image) (eps: t) =
forall v: index. valid_index i v -> .- eps .<= i[v] .<= eps
We can now define the property to check that is a straightforward description of property:
predicate robust_around (n: nn) (eps: t) (l: label_) (i: image) =
forall perturbed_image: image.
has_length perturbed_image (length i) ->
valid_image perturbed_image ->
let perturbation = perturbed_image - i in
bounded_by_epsilon perturbation eps ->
advises n perturbed_image l
predicate robust (n: nn) (d: dataset label_ image) (eps: t) =
Dataset.forall_ d (robust_around n eps)
Finally, to instanciate this property on concrete neural networks and data samples, we can define a goal and check the following property:
goal robustness:
let nn = read_model "nets/MNIST_256_2.onnx" in
let dataset = read_dataset "csv/mnist_test.csv" in
let eps = (0.0100000000000000002081668171172168513294309377670288085937500000:t) in
robust nn dataset eps
A more general formulation of this property is available in mnist.why. The corresponding neural network in ONNX format is available under the folder /examples/mnist/nets/.
4.2.4. Verifying the property with CAISAR¶
Now we may verify whether the previous robustness specification holds by using the nnenum prover. This can be done via CAISAR as follows:
$ caisar verify -p nnenum property.why
[caisar] Goal robustness: Invalid
The result tells us that there exists at least one image in mnist_test.csv
for which nnenum is sure that the model MNIST_256_2.onnx
is not robust with
respect to \(1 \%\) perturbation. At the moment, CAISAR is not able to tell
which are the images in the dataset that cause such result.
For more flexibility, it is possible to define the concrete values from the
command line. See the --define
option. For instane, to verify the aforementioned mnist.why
file, the command line is the following:
$ caisar verify -p nnenum --define model_filename:nets/MNIST_256_2.onnx --define dataset_filename:csv/mnist_test.csv examples/mnist/mnist.why
[caisar] Goal robustness: Invalid
Li Deng, The MNIST Database of Handwritten Digit Images for Machine Learning Research, IEEE Signal Process. Mag., 2012, pp. 141-142, doi: 10.1109/MSP.2012.2211477